Please note: We have received approval for 6 workers compensation and multi-line adjuster credits.
Conference Agenda:
7:00 AM - Registration, Vendor Networking, and Continental Breakfast
7:30 AM Welcome Introduction and Housekeeping
7:35 AM - 8:30 AM New Era of Podiatry
Allen Clark, DPM Jennifer Sartori, DPM, Natasha Baczewski, DPM Northeast Foot and Ankle
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM - Managing The Changing Needs of the Aging Injured Worker
One Call
9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Coffee Break Vendor Networking
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM - Mock Hearing Panel
Margaret Sack, Esq. Terrence Daly, Esq., Sarah Fuller DOL
10:45 AM- 11:45 AM - Premises Liability NH Auto Law
Attorney Christopher Poulin Getman, Schulthess , Steere & Poulin P.A.
11:45 PM-12:15 PM - Lunch and Vendor Networking
12:15-12:30 - Vendor Introductions
12:30 PM-1:30 PM - Voc Services in NH
Scott Doyle, MA, CRC, Diane Adams, MSW, CRC, CVRP, Laurie Martin MA, CRC, CEAS, VRS
1:30-1:45 PM - Break Vendor Networking
1:45 PM -2:45 PM - PTSD and Stress Related Injuries
Ken Larsen, DMin. Phd, ABMP, New England Baptist Hospital Behavioral Health
2:45 PM -3:00 PM - Closing Remarks
3:00 PM-4:00 PM Happy Hour

Download the Agenda Here:
Spring 2019 Educational Conference Agenda.pdf